wtorek, 2 grudnia 2014

Zadanie dodatkowe - klasa VIc

Już dawno rozmawialiśmy o zadaniu dodatkowym, ale dla tych, którzy zapomnieli mi wysłać maila, zamieszczam je tutaj. Przypominam, że należy wykonać obydwa zadania w terminach podanych i dostarczyć je do mnie. Powodzenia!! :)

Exercise 1 - Christmas
deadline: 12th December 2014

Task 1

Find titles and lyrics of the most famous British Christmas carols.
( 4 – 5 of them )

Task 2

Describe some typical Christmas dishes in Britain.

Task 3

Find some information about Christmas traditions in the UK.

Task 4 – Project work.

Describe Christmas in Poland:
-          Polish Christmas carols
-          Polish customs

-          Polish dishes

Exercise 2 - Education in Great Britain
deadline: 9th January 2015

Characterize the system of education in Great Britain.
 ( 8 – 10 sentences )

Find the names of most famous high schools and universities in great Britain .
 (at least 10 names )

British students have many interesting additional activities after lessons. What can they do in the afternoon? Find names of such activities.

TASK 4 – Project work

My class and my school. Prepare a short description with photos and drawings.
( 10 -15 sentences )

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